001    /*****************************************************************************
002     * Copyright (C) PicoContainer Organization. All rights reserved.            *
003     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
004     * The software in this package is published under the terms of the BSD      *
005     * style license a copy of which has been included with this distribution in *
006     * the LICENSE.txt file.                                                     *
007     *****************************************************************************/
008    package org.picocontainer;
010    import java.lang.reflect.Type;
012    /**
013     * A component adapter is responsible for providing a specific component
014     * instance of type <T>. An instance of an implementation of this interface is
015     * used inside a {@link PicoContainer} for every registered component or
016     * instance. Each <code>ComponentAdapter</code> instance has to have a key
017     * which is unique within that container. The key itself is either a class type
018     * (normally an interface) or an identifier.
019     * <p>In a overly simplistic sense, the ComponentAdapter can be thought of us a type of
020     * an object factory.  If you need to modify how your object is constructed, use and appropriate
021     * ComponentAdapter or roll your own since the API is purposely kept rather simple.  See
022     * <a href="http://www.picocontainer.org/adapters.html">http://www.picocontainer.org/adapters.html</a>
023     * for more information.</p>
024     *
025     * @author Jon Tirs&eacute;n
026     * @author Paul Hammant
027     * @author Aslak Helles&oslash;y
028     */
029    public interface ComponentAdapter<T> {
031        public class NOTHING {
032            private NOTHING(){
033            }
034        };
036        /**
037         * Retrieve the key associated with the component.
038         *
039         * @return the component's key. Should either be a class type (normally an interface) or an identifier that is
040         *         unique (within the scope of the current PicoContainer).
041         */
042        Object getComponentKey();
044        /**
045         * Retrieve the class of the component.
046         *
047         * @return the component's implementation class. Should normally be a concrete class (ie, a class that can be
048         *         instantiated).
049         */
050        Class<T> getComponentImplementation();
052        /**
053         * Retrieve the component instance. This method will usually create a new instance each time it is called, but that
054         * is not required. For example, {@link org.picocontainer.behaviors.Cached} will always return the
055         * same instance.
056         *
057         * @param container the {@link PicoContainer}, that is used to resolve any possible dependencies of the instance.
058         * @return the component instance.
059         * @throws PicoCompositionException  if the component has dependencies which could not be resolved, or
060         *                                     instantiation of the component lead to an ambigous situation within the
061         *                                     container.
062         * @deprecated since PicoContainer 2.2.  Use {@link getComponentInstance(PicoContainer,Type)} with {@link ComponentAdapter.NOTHING.class} as type
063         * if no type available.
064         */
065        T getComponentInstance(PicoContainer container) throws PicoCompositionException;
067        /**
068         * Retrieve the component instance. This method will usually create a new instance each time it is called, but that
069         * is not required. For example, {@link org.picocontainer.behaviors.Cached} will always return the
070         * same instance.
071         *
072         * @param container the {@link org.picocontainer.PicoContainer}, that is used to resolve any possible dependencies of the instance.
073         * @param into the class that is about to be injected into. Use ComponentAdapter.NOTHING.class if this is not important to you.
074         * @return the component instance.
075         * @throws PicoCompositionException  if the component has dependencies which could not be resolved, or
076         *                                     instantiation of the component lead to an ambiguous situation within the
077         *                                     container.
078         */
079        T getComponentInstance(PicoContainer container, Type into) throws PicoCompositionException;
081        /**
082         * Verify that all dependencies for this adapter can be satisfied. Normally, the adapter should verify this by
083         * checking that the associated PicoContainer contains all the needed dependencies.
084         *
085         * @param container the {@link PicoContainer}, that is used to resolve any possible dependencies of the instance.
086         * @throws PicoCompositionException if one or more dependencies cannot be resolved.
087         */
088        void verify(PicoContainer container) throws PicoCompositionException;
090        /**
091         * Accepts a visitor for this ComponentAdapter. The method is normally called by visiting a {@link PicoContainer}, that
092         * cascades the visitor also down to all its ComponentAdapter instances.
093         *
094         * @param visitor the visitor.
095         */
096        void accept(PicoVisitor visitor);
098        /**
099         * Component adapters may be nested in a chain, and this method is used to grab the next ComponentAdapter in the chain.
100         * @return the next component adapter in line or null if there is no delegate ComponentAdapter.
101         */
102        ComponentAdapter<T> getDelegate();
104        /**
105         * Locates a component adapter of type <em>componentAdapterType</em> in the ComponentAdapter chain.  Will return null
106         * if there is no adapter of the given type.
107         * @param <U> the type of ComponentAdapter being located.
108         * @param adapterType the class of the adapter type being located.  Never null.
109         * @return the appropriate component adapter of type <em>U</em>.  May return null if the component adapter type is not
110         * returned.
111         */
112        <U extends ComponentAdapter> U findAdapterOfType(Class<U> adapterType);
114        /**
115         * Get a string key descriptor of the component adapter for use in toString()
116         * @return the descriptor
117         */
118        String getDescriptor();
120    }