001    /*****************************************************************************
002     * Copyright (C) PicoContainer Organization. All rights reserved.            *
003     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
004     * The software in this package is published under the terms of the BSD      *
005     * style license a copy of which has been included with this distribution in *
006     * the LICENSE.txt file.                                                     *
007     *                                                                           *
008     *****************************************************************************/
010    package org.picocontainer;
013    /**
014     * <p>
015     * Interface responsible for changing monitoring strategy.
016     * It may be implemented by {@link org.picocontainer.PicoContainer containers} and
017     * single {@link org.picocontainer.ComponentAdapter component adapters}.
018     * The choice of supporting the monitor strategy is left to the
019     * implementers of the container and adapters.
020     * </p>
021     *
022     * @author Paul Hammant
023     * @author Joerg Schaible
024     * @author Mauro Talevi
025     */
026    public interface ComponentMonitorStrategy {
028        /**
029         * Changes the component monitor used
030         * @param monitor the new ComponentMonitor to use
031         */
032        void changeMonitor(ComponentMonitor monitor);
034        /**
035         * Returns the monitor currently used
036         * @return The ComponentMonitor currently used
037         */
038        ComponentMonitor currentMonitor();
040    }