Some major functionality in Pico can only be achieved if components can be registered with nested CAFs. The current implementation supports only CAFs, that can be used directly, but none of the wrapper implementations.
Jörg Schaible
made changes -
Field | Original Value | New Value |
Status | Open [ 1 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |
Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] | |
Fix Version/s | 1.0 [ 10148 ] |
Currently implemented using a hierarchical XML syntaxm, that reflects the nesting. Might change to a flat XML structure though (not yet finally decided).
<component-adapter-factory key="special" class="o.p.d.CachingCAF">
<component-adapter-factory class="o.p.d.CICA">
<parameter factory='o.n.s.x.XStreamComponentInstanceFactory'>
<o.p.g.a.ThreadLocalReference />
Proposed for flat syntax:
<component-adapter-factory key="CICAF" class="o.p.d.CICA">
<component-adapter-factory key="special" class="o.p.d.CachingCAF">
<parameter key="CICAF"/>
<parameter factory='o.n.s.x.XStreamComponentInstanceFactory'>
<o.p.g.a.ThreadLocalReference />