> This is very forging right Leo?
forging? What do you mean?
> Phoenix used to barf if a comp tried to get a dependanct comp in the
> service() method that had not previously (externally) been declared
> as a need.
no such thing happens here. There's no dependency checking other than what pico provides. Metadata is not checked nor respected, nor are interfaces like ThreadSafe or SingleThreaded. I've tried to structure the code in small pieces so that checks like against .xinfo could be added if someone needs it, but I'm not going to do it.
> You're not checking the .xinfo file or the Merlin equiv are you?
> You're just making all the containerized componets avalable to the
> Avalon comp right?
yep. The only avalon bit depended upon (and supported) is the basic avalon-framework; it should be obvious why we need that dependency :-D. One neat trick is using XStream to convert config beans to Configuration objects; that's the other dependency. I think its worth it.
> I'm very impressed with this.
> However I have a question ... do we really need it? Personally I am
> busy moving all of my Avalon using code to ctor injector. There are
> Spice components that give me the equiv from Avalon-Cornerstone. I
> just don't need Avalon anymore.
a lot of people are not in that position :-D
> Do you have a real case dude?
Yep. For example,
have some components that I want to use in a picofied application, and that other people want to use. There's dozens and dozens of avalon components out there in production that people would like to drop in (the binary) and use it with picocontainer.
> Alsom we should try to minimise class/package names containing the
> word Avalon as it is protected by Apache (refer 1.1 license that
> were distributed by Apache with Avalon).
yeah, with 2.0 license it should be okay though. Probably best to change it though just to be on the safe side. How about org.nanocontainer.type1? (and Type1Util, Type1Adapter, ...) I don't particularly care, as there should be a frontend that makes it transparent anyway.
Like I said on the mailing list, if you have doubts about putting this in nano, it can be hosted elsewhere, no worries, just say the word. I just think that having something generally usable "close to the source" will make the life of a lot of users a little easier.
The attachment is an early version of a ComponentAdapter, ComponentAdapterFactory, and some support code, that allows one to run avalon-framework ("type 1") components inside PicoContainer. While the code /might/ work, there are no tests yet (because most of it was copied from a custom container project whose tests are not so easily ported). I'm currently working on porting existing tests for this code, but wanted to give a preview and solicit some early feedback.