  1. PicoContainer
  2. PICO-16

Discuss refactoring than enables decoration of comp registration


    • Type: Task Task
    • Status: Closed Closed
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:
    • Number of attachments :


      So I did some UML and checked it against the code and found it was
      impossible to implement . The wonderful abstract world of boxes are
      lines. So I did a spike first to see where that would get us. I attach
      code and a test case which illustrates the point, but I also attach some UML
      (as a Poseidon project), although I doubt its value.

      In short though its now possible to chain ComponentRegistrar impls to add
      behaviour as follows:

      final InputSourceComponentRegistrar registrar =
      new InputSourceComponentRegistrarImpl(
      new StringBasedComponentRegistrarImpl(
      new LogEnablingComponentRegistrar(
      new DefaultComponentRegistrarImpl())
      final ExperimentalPicoContainer container = new
      ExperimentalPicoContainer(new DefaultComponentFactory(),registrar);
      registrar.registerComponents(new InputSource(new

      LogEnablingComponentRegistrar does this:

      public void registerComponent(Class type, Class impl) {
      final Class firstParameterType =
      if (firstParameterType == Log.class)

      { addParameterToComponent(type,Log.class, new LogImpl(impl)); }


      So this allows me to configure this component:

      public LoggableMockComponentImpl(Log log, int port) {
      this.log = log;
      this.port = port;

      with this XML:

      "<components>" +
      " <component
      eMockComponentImpl\">" +
      " <param
      type=\"java.lang.Integer\">12345</param>" +
      " </component>" +

      There is no mention of logging, since its inserted as a decorator.

      The enabling interface for all this is:

      public interface ComponentRegistrar {
      public void registerComponent(Class type, Class impl);
      public ComponentSpecification []getRegistered();

      public void addParameterToComponent(Class componentImpl, Class
      parameter, Object arg);
      public List getParametersForComponent(Class componentImpl);

      ExperimentalPicoContainer is copy of HierarchicalPicoContainer but with all
      the registration stuff delegated to a ComponentRegistrar instance.

      Few of things about this:

      • It means we can insert all the check methods (like checkConcrete etc)
        into the decorator chain instead of hard coding them into a default impl, if
        we want to. Additionally, PicoContainer implementers now have a means of
        inserting their own check methods
      • It keeps ExperimentalPicoContainer small and focussed (I did not clean it
        up as much as possible in the attached code).
      • If you dislike the fact that registration is on a ComponentRegistrar
        instance instead of on a PicoContainer instance, we can use Chris' trick of
        providing an "as" proxy generation method on the container.
      • If the number of potential instances is considered too large, we can
        provide classes that bundle them sensible into "families".

      Anyway, let me know what you think. It might not be perfect, but I think
      its something we should head in this direction.


      PS There is one more refactoring similar to this related to storage of
      component instances, but its probably too early to extract it yet.

        Issue Links


          Mike Hogan added a comment -

          Test case and code that shows component registration and decoration.

          Mike Hogan added a comment - Test case and code that shows component registration and decoration.
          Mike Hogan made changes -
          Field Original Value New Value
          Attachment experimental_pico.tar.gz [ 10420 ]
          Mike Hogan added a comment -

          Duplicate of Pico-17

          Mike Hogan added a comment - Duplicate of Pico-17
          Mike Hogan made changes -
          Resolution Duplicate [ 3 ]
          Status Unassigned [ 1 ] Closed [ 6 ]
          Aslak Hellesøy made changes -
          Link This issue duplicates PICO-17 [ PICO-17 ]


            • Assignee:
              Mike Hogan
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