  1. PicoContainer
  2. PICO-172

Make PicoContainer XStream compatible


    • Type: Improvement Improvement
    • Status: Closed Closed
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: 1.0-RC-1
    • Component/s: PicoContainer (Java)
    • Labels:
    • Number of attachments :


      XStream (http://xstream.codehaus.org/) provides a neat serialisation format in XML. It would be nice to serialise the state of a PicoContainer with XStream, and this would complement the default serialisation as well as the mechanism provided by org.nanocontainer.reflection.recorder.ContainerRecorder. (3 different serialisation schemes, each of which have their strengths and weaknesses).

      Here is a testcase that should pass with XStream compatibility in place:

      public void testShouldBeAbleToSerializeContainerWithXStream()

      { MutablePicoContainer pico = new DefaultPicoContainer(); pico.registerComponentImplementation(ArrayList.class); XStream xStream = new XStream(); String picoXML = xStream.toXML(pico); MutablePicoContainer pico2 = (MutablePicoContainer) xStream.fromXML(picoXML); assertNotNull(pico2.getComponentInstance(ArrayList.class)); }

        Issue Links


          Konstantin Pribluda made changes -
          Field Original Value New Value
          Assignee Aslak Hellesoy [ rinkrank ] Konstantin Pribluda [ ko5tik ]
          Joe Walnes made changes -
          Link This issue depends upon XSTR-45 [ XSTR-45 ]
          Aslak Hellesøy added a comment -

          Resolving this issue will require most of the current final fields in various classes to be made non final.

          This is a bit of a hack, but has no impact on the bytecode (final info is not in the bytecode afaik).

          Any objections about making fields non final can be discussed here.

          Aslak Hellesøy added a comment - Resolving this issue will require most of the current final fields in various classes to be made non final. This is a bit of a hack, but has no impact on the bytecode (final info is not in the bytecode afaik). Any objections about making fields non final can be discussed here.
          Jörg Schaible added a comment -

          Maybe we can take the chance and introduce more transient fields, e.g. the componentKeyToAdapterCache is superflous in the object stream. The information can be recreated easily.

          Jörg Schaible added a comment - Maybe we can take the chance and introduce more transient fields, e.g. the componentKeyToAdapterCache is superflous in the object stream. The information can be recreated easily.
          Aslak Hellesøy made changes -
          Assignee Konstantin Pribluda [ ko5tik ] Aslak Hellesoy [ rinkrank ]
          Aslak Hellesøy added a comment -

          I have solved this one. Will commit it this weekend.

          Aslak Hellesøy added a comment - I have solved this one. Will commit it this weekend.
          Paul Hammant made changes -
          Affects Version/s 1.0.1 [ 10307 ]
          Fix Version/s 1.0.1 [ 10307 ]
          Aslak Hellesøy added a comment -

          It's now possible to serialise/deserialise a picocontainer through xstream

          Aslak Hellesøy added a comment - It's now possible to serialise/deserialise a picocontainer through xstream
          Aslak Hellesøy made changes -
          Status Open [ 1 ] Closed [ 6 ]
          Fix Version/s 1.0-RC-1 [ 10461 ]
          Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
          Fix Version/s 1.0.1 [ 10307 ]
          Jacob Kjome added a comment -

          According to the XStream 1.0-RC1 release notes, final fields are serializable under JDK 1.4+. So, it may be possible to switch back to using final fields. What's Picocontainer's stated JDK support level? Actually, it wouldn't much matter what Picocontainer's state JDK support level is. It is more of an XStream/JDK problem and as long as XStream can support this under JDk 1.4+ I'd go back to using final's and simply mention XStream's limitations with JDK's less than 1.4.


          Jacob Kjome added a comment - According to the XStream 1.0-RC1 release notes, final fields are serializable under JDK 1.4+. So, it may be possible to switch back to using final fields. What's Picocontainer's stated JDK support level? Actually, it wouldn't much matter what Picocontainer's state JDK support level is. It is more of an XStream/JDK problem and as long as XStream can support this under JDk 1.4+ I'd go back to using final's and simply mention XStream's limitations with JDK's less than 1.4. Jake


            • Assignee:
              Aslak Hellesøy
              Aslak Hellesøy
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