Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractBehavior
org.picocontainer.behaviors BehaviorFactories make Behaviors which change aspects of component implementations and instances 

Uses of AbstractBehavior in org.picocontainer.behaviors

Subclasses of AbstractBehavior in org.picocontainer.behaviors
 class Automated<T>
 class Cached<T>
           ComponentAdapter implementation that caches the component instance.
 class Decorated<T>
 class FieldDecorated
 class Guarded<T>
          behaviour for allows components to be guarded by another component
 class HiddenImplementation<T>
          This component adapter makes it possible to hide the implementation of a real subject (behind a proxy) provided the key is an interface.
 class Intercepted<T>
 class Locked<T>
 class PropertyApplicator<T>
          Decorating component adapter that can be used to set additional properties on a component in a bean style.
 class Stored<T>
 class Synchronized<T>
          Component Adapter that uses java synchronized around getComponentInstance().
 class ThreadCached<T>
           This behavior supports caches values per thread.

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