Accessibility of method 'public ImplementationHidingComponentAdapterFactory()' has been decreased from public to package
I am not sue I understand this. The class never had an excplicit default ctor.
Method 'protected org.picocontainer.Parameter[] createDefaultParameters(java.lang.Class[])' has been removed
This is a result of our last minute change in PICO-268 by Pete. I am not quite happy with it, since it contradicts what was proposed in PICO-181 and creates an incompatibility between release candidates. Annotation support would have been possible with PICO-181 also, but in a much more general manner.
PITE: was thrown in different places, not only for places expecting a PIE. Review?
UDE: the exception is created internally, a ctor change should not make any difference.
differences between 1.1 and the current snapshot