
    • Type: New Feature New Feature
    • Status: Closed Closed
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: 1.0-beta-5
    • Fix Version/s: 1.0-beta-4
    • Component/s: PicoContainer (Java)
    • Labels:
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        Aslak Hellesøy made changes -
        Field Original Value New Value
        Attachment [ 10990 ]
        Aslak Hellesøy added a comment -

        From Ross Mason:

        I have implemented a simple component pool which uses a PicoContainer for the pool and is itself picofiable. The pool supports exhausted policies ? Fail, Grow and Block.

        This is what it looks like ?

        //Creates a default pool of AnotherTouchable

        DefaultPicoPool pool = new DefaultPicoPool(AnotherTouchable.class);

        There is another constructor that accepts a PicoPoolConfiguration, i.e.

        MutablePicoContainer pico = new DefaultPicoContainer();

        PicoPoolConfiguration config = new PicoPoolConfiguration(AnotherTouchable.class, ...Other pool parameters);


        pico.registerComponentImplementation("myPool", DefaultPicoPool.class);

        DefaultPicoPool pool = (DefaultPicoPool) pico.getComponentInstance("myPool");

        To obtain objects call ?

        Object borrowed = pool.borrowComponent();

        And to return ?


        I?ve included the source with test cases. I was also going to implement a keyed Pool version, but wanted to check I was on the right track.

        Also, I started playing with a PicoPoolComponentAdapter that would provide pooling transparently i.e.

        MutablePicoContainer pico = new DefaultPicoContainer(new PicoPoolComponentAdapterFactory());


        AnotherTouchable component = (AnotherTouchable)pico.getComponentInstance(AnotherTouchable.class);


        AnotherTouchable component2 = (AnotherTouchable)pico.getComponentInstance(AnotherTouchable.class);


        I couldn?t think of a clean way of returning the object to the pool once it had been borrowed. Any ideas??



        Ps this uses Zohar?s NonCachingComponentAdapter, so you?ll need that code to run it.

        Aslak Hellesøy added a comment - From Ross Mason: I have implemented a simple component pool which uses a PicoContainer for the pool and is itself picofiable. The pool supports exhausted policies ? Fail, Grow and Block. This is what it looks like ? //Creates a default pool of AnotherTouchable DefaultPicoPool pool = new DefaultPicoPool(AnotherTouchable.class); There is another constructor that accepts a PicoPoolConfiguration, i.e. MutablePicoContainer pico = new DefaultPicoContainer(); PicoPoolConfiguration config = new PicoPoolConfiguration(AnotherTouchable.class, ...Other pool parameters); pico.registerComponentInstance(config); pico.registerComponentImplementation("myPool", DefaultPicoPool.class); DefaultPicoPool pool = (DefaultPicoPool) pico.getComponentInstance("myPool"); To obtain objects call ? Object borrowed = pool.borrowComponent(); And to return ? Pool.returnComponent(borrowed); I?ve included the source with test cases. I was also going to implement a keyed Pool version, but wanted to check I was on the right track. Also, I started playing with a PicoPoolComponentAdapter that would provide pooling transparently i.e. MutablePicoContainer pico = new DefaultPicoContainer(new PicoPoolComponentAdapterFactory()); pico.registerComponentImplementation(AnotherTouchable.class); AnotherTouchable component = (AnotherTouchable)pico.getComponentInstance(AnotherTouchable.class); component.wasTouched(); AnotherTouchable component2 = (AnotherTouchable)pico.getComponentInstance(AnotherTouchable.class); assertTrue(!component2.isTouched()); I couldn?t think of a clean way of returning the object to the pool once it had been borrowed. Any ideas?? Cheers, Ross Ps this uses Zohar?s NonCachingComponentAdapter, so you?ll need that code to run it.
        Aslak Hellesøy made changes -
        Link This issue depends upon PICO-55 [ PICO-55 ]
        Zohar Melamed added a comment -

        >>this uses Zohar?s NonCachingComponentAdapter

        Note that in the last patch uploaded to PICO-55, NonCachingComponentAdapter has been renamed :

        Zohar Melamed added a comment - >>this uses Zohar?s NonCachingComponentAdapter Note that in the last patch uploaded to PICO-55 , NonCachingComponentAdapter has been renamed : BasicComponentAdapter.
        Jon Tirsen added a comment -

        Yes, and it's actually been renamed again. It's now "TransientComponentAdapter".

        Jon Tirsen added a comment - Yes, and it's actually been renamed again. It's now "TransientComponentAdapter".
        Jon Tirsen added a comment -

        Is this more of a Pico-component than an actual part of the Pico-core? Move to PicoExtras?

        Jon Tirsen added a comment - Is this more of a Pico-component than an actual part of the Pico-core? Move to PicoExtras?
        Aslak Hellesøy made changes -
        Assignee Aslak Hellesoy [ rinkrank ]
        rossmason rossmason added a comment -

        Agreed, pooling is definitely an extra.

        rossmason rossmason added a comment - Agreed, pooling is definitely an extra.
        Aslak Hellesøy made changes -
        Status Open [ 1 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
        Paul Hammant added a comment -

        Added to PicoExtras

        Paul Hammant added a comment - Added to PicoExtras
        Paul Hammant made changes -
        Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
        Status In Progress [ 3 ] Closed [ 6 ]
        Aslak Hellesøy added a comment -

        I have started to look at this.

        It looks very interesting, but also quite complicated with the threading stuff.

        Why are threads needed?

        Aslak Hellesøy added a comment - I have started to look at this. It looks very interesting, but also quite complicated with the threading stuff. Why are threads needed?
        Aslak Hellesøy made changes -
        Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
        Status Closed [ 6 ] Reopened [ 4 ]
        Aslak Hellesøy made changes -
        Fix Version/s 1.0-beta-4 [ 10412 ]
        Status Reopened [ 4 ] Closed [ 6 ]
        Fix Version/s 1.0 [ 10145 ]
        Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]


          • Assignee:
            Aslak Hellesøy
            Aslak Hellesøy
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