Interface MBeanInfoProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractNamingConventionMBeanInfoProvider, ComponentKeyConventionMBeanInfoProvider, ComponentTypeConventionMBeanInfoProvider

public interface MBeanInfoProvider

Provide a MBeanInfo for a component. Several strategies exist and can be used as plugin.

Jörg Schaible

Method Summary
 MBeanInfo provide(PicoContainer picoContainer, ComponentAdapter componentAdapter)
          Provide a MBeanInfo for the given component.

Method Detail


MBeanInfo provide(PicoContainer picoContainer,
                  ComponentAdapter componentAdapter)
Provide a MBeanInfo for the given component. An implementation should not create an instance of the addComponent though.

picoContainer - The picoContainer to resolve dependencies or other services necessary to get the MBeanInfo.
componentAdapter - The ComponentAdapter of the component.
Returns the MBeanInfo for the compoennt or null if none could be found or created.

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