Package org.picocontainer.gems.jmx

The package contains classes to expose components of PicoContainer with JMX.


Interface Summary
DynamicMBeanFactory This factory is responsible for creating instances of DynamicMBean without being dependent on one particular implementation or external dependency.
DynamicMBeanProvider Provide instances of DynamicMBean from Pico components.
MBeanInfoProvider Provide a MBeanInfo for a component.
ObjectNameFactory Core interface for generating ObjectName instances for a DynamicMBean.

Class Summary
AbstractConstructingProvider A DynamicMBeanProvider that constructs StandardMBean instances that as long as an ObjectName and a MBeanInfo can be generated for the component.
AbstractNamingConventionMBeanInfoProvider Abstract base class for MBeanInfoProvider that search MBeanInfo in the PicoContainer registered with a key that follows naming conventions.
AbstractObjectNameFactory An abstract ObjectNameFactory that offers functionality to handle the domain part of the object name.
ComponentKeyConventionMBeanInfoProvider A MBeanInfoProvider that searches for a MBeanInfo instance in the PicoContainer.
ComponentTypeConventionMBeanInfoProvider A MBeanInfoProvider that searches for a MBeanInfo instance in the PicoContainer.
DynamicMBeanComponentProvider DynamicMBeanProvider, that will provide a component directly if it is already a DynamicMBean.
JMXExposed<T> ComponentAdapter that is exposing a component as MBean in a MBeanServer.
JMXExposing ComponentFactory that instantiates JMXExposed instances.
JMXRegistrationInfo Helper class to associate a MBean with an ObjectName.
JMXVisitor A PicoVisitor to register JMX components for components of a PicoContainer tree in a MBeanServer.
NamingConventionConstructingProvider A DynamicMBeanProvider that constructs StandardMBean instances that follow the JMX naming conventions.
PredefinedObjectNameFactory An ObjectNameFactory, that uses the key of the Pico component as ObjectName, if the key is of this type.
RegisteredMBeanConstructingProvider A DynamicMBeanProvider, that creates DynamicMBeans for registered Pico components on the fly.
StandardMBeanFactory A factory for DynamicMBeans, that creates MBean instances using the classes StandardMBean and ModelMBean provided by the JMX specification.
StandardNanoMBean StandardMBean with a provided MBeanInfo.
TypedObjectNameFactory An ObjectNameFactory, that uses the type of the DynamicMBean implementation to register.

Exception Summary
JMXRegistrationException A registration exception caused trying to register the component with JMX.

Package org.picocontainer.gems.jmx Description

The package contains classes to expose components of PicoContainer with JMX.

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